Essential Energy, Ausnet Services, Powercor Accredited Service Provider
Level 1 Overhead and Underground —Accreditation Number 4346 Grade A
Level 2 Categories 1, 2, 3 & 4 —Accreditation Number 4366 Grade B
Level 3 Design Accreditation Number 5256
VEDN Accredited Contractor
HV NSW Contractors License 288699C
NSW Contractors License 22212C
Registered Electrical Contractor Victoria 8808
TfNSW (RMS) Prequalified Contractor
VicRoads Prequalified Contractor
Commscope (ADC Krone) Certified Installer
Clipsal Datacomms Certified Installer
Clean Energy Council Design & Installation A1570436
Certified HSEQ Management System
ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems
ISO 45001 Environmental Management Systems
ISO 14001 Occupational Health and Safety Systems
Security Licence ML 000107014